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Kids Martial Arts


This program is excellent for kids who loves martial arts. Chinese Martial Arts class not only teaches kids self-defense but gives them the tools they need to succeed in life. From focusing to goal setting, self-discipline and self-respect – kids emerge from this program changed for the better.

If you are 5 and above or unless you are quite matured at 4, this Kids Martial Arts Program is an excellent place to start. Kids start by learning the basic fundamentals of discipline and respect, and progressing to establish their foundations in self-defense techniques. Classes are fun and exhilarating! Performing in school event and doing cultural themes like the Chinese New Year "Lion Dance" are some of the social fun we teach in our program. Before long, you will notice that your kids have grown and overcome their shyness and timidity and able to take a leadership role in the community.

Clear Focus. In martial arts, we have kids do one thing at a time. For younger kids, and kids with severe ADD, they may only do one thing for 30 seconds – but for that 30 seconds that’s all they focus on. Then, the better and better they get at focusing, the longer we have them focus for. Eventually, kids might focus the entire session on just one exercise or activity. And they never get bored or antsy. Before you know it, they do this at home too. They focus on their homework… on their chores… on conversations with you… and anything else they put their mind to.

Finally Paying Attention. Parents of children with attention problems breathe sighs of relief after just a few short weeks. That’s because in martial arts we teach kids to look people in the eyes when they’re being spoken to. We teach them that this is how you show people you’re listening, and paying attention.

After just a few short weeks, kids naturally begin doing this at home and in school. Parents and teachers often look at each other with astonishment when they reflect on the changes. They can’t believe how much better their children pay attention.

When it comes to bullies, kids in martial arts have the confidence and the tools to defend themselves. Your child will be prepared. Because of this, kids who train martial arts are much more likely to succeed later in life as well. A recent study showed that 63% of black belts become college graduates!

So, if you like your kid to overcome shyness, have better focus, have a determination to succeed, complete tasks that he is assigned to or have better respect and discipline, this is the program to put him or her in. 
Our kids martial arts is based on the powerful style of Wuzuquan or Five Ancestors Fist, created in the Fujian province in southern China.

About Us              Kids Martial Arts             Adult Martial Arts             Qigong             Taijiquan            Q&A